Time Saving Tools for Social Media Marketers

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Social Media Marketing Time Saving Tools | Tree of Social Media | eClincher

Managing the social media accounts of your company, or, if you’re an agency, multiple companies, can sometimes seem like an impossible mountain to climb. You need to find the content to share, create and find photos and images, engage with your community, reach out to others, start and continue conversations, and respond to customer service issues, all while trying to stay on message and grow your followers.Where do you find the time to perform all these different tasks?You need to find and use a social media management tool that works best for you and your needs.Everyone knows you need a well-structured social media dashboard, or Unified Social Inbox. This is where all of your social media channels, feeds, and custom feeds are on one screen. This saves you from going back and forth between all of your social media platforms individually.A social media dashboard is essential, but take the time to research your options as there seems to be a new one every day. Make sure the one you choose has all of the options listed below with a user-friendly interface so that you can maximize your time and resources.

Time Saving Tools for Social Media Marketers

Content CurationYou need to post content on social media, but it can’t just be your own. The whole point of social media marketing is to build a loyal following. If you’re only posting your own content, your followers will view your posts as advertising.And everyone knows what happens to advertising in the modern age…It gets ignored.To avoid having your social media posts being ignored, you need to find content from industry leaders and experts that are consistent with your branding objectives. But where do you find the content?One of the easiest ways is Google Alerts.You can set up to receive emails anytime your keywords are used in new posts. This is a great way to monitor mentions of your company, your competitors, and industry topics.It’s also a great way to stay up to date on new posts in your field.Another great tool is eClincher’s content curation tool. This is located right in your dashboard and allows you to easily access content based on keywords so you can share it with your followers.PhotosJust as much as you need content to share, your posts also need photos and images. Posts on Facebook containing a photo averaged an 87% interaction rate. And tweets with a photo URL boosted retweets by 35%.Your social media dashboard needs access to photos and images so that you can save time while managing your many different social media accounts.eClincher is proud to be partnered with Pixabayfor this reason. They have over 760,000 images, vectors, and art illustrations to choose from so that you can use them royalty-free. This allows you to easily insertthe photos in your social media posts to improve your interactions.Scheduling and Auto-PostingThere isn’t enough time in the day to be as active on all your different social media accounts as you need to be. That’s why the tools mentioned above, especially the content curation, are so important. But you still need a scheduling tool so that your accounts can remain active even when you can’t be there.Scheduling is a nice tool and most social media dashboards have that feature. However, eClincher’s queue is what sets it apart from its competitors.You used the content curation to find great content to share with your followers, but you don’t want to share the same content too often. And you also don’t want to have to schedule posts every couple days with the same posts.Now, with the queue, eClincher you can create multiple queues, each with as many posts as you’d like, and then just schedule a time to post from that queue. And eClincher will automatically post the next piece of content.This is the best way to stay ahead of the social media posts and to make sure your accounts are always active.

Time Saving Tools for Social Media Marketing | List of Social Media Platforms | eClincher

Leveraging Social Media Tools to Save You Time

You need a social media marketing strategy to interact and engage with your followers as well as to build your community. But you can only work so many hours a day.Stay ahead of your social media posts with the perfect social media dashboard. And remain actively engaged with your followers across all of your different channels with the Unified Social Inbox.By having all of your custom feeds located on one, user-friendly screen, it’s easier to stay up to date on all of your mentions, likes, retweets, and direct messages. Don’t fall behind and alienate your community!Don’t forget to use tools such as Google Trendsto find what topics are getting the most searches on Google. That way you know your posts are relevant to your market. And don’t forget to track what’s working on your site with Google Analytics.Maximize the ROI of your social media marketing campaigns by using these time saving tools.Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest trends about social media marketing straight to your inbox!Continue reading to learn how Restaurants can use Social Media Marketing to grow their business.

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