Social Media in Accounting: How to Dominate And Gain Visibility For Your Firm 

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Let’s be honest: financial topics like accounting aren’t the most engaging subjects. 

So you’d be forgiven for thinking that starting a social media accounting page isn’t going to generate much interest or reach many social scrollers. Sure, your content may attract interest among a niche audience, but it’s unlikely to bring in a horde of new leads, right?

Think again! There’s a reason so many brands and businesses today harness the power of social media. 

The question is, how do you make online accounting interesting for a wider audience? How do you persuade people to engage with numbers and spreadsheets in a way that speaks to them? How can you help new and potential clients to be tax confident through content that’s accessible and memorable?

When it comes to social media, we know that people relate to authentic brands and individuals. So let’s see how you can use your passion to turn accounting into relatable and engaging social media content that can help gain visibility for your firm.

Social media in accounting

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As an accountant, you’re used to dealing with logic, balance, and precision. With its reality TV memes, celebrity gossip, and cat videos, social media can feel like a different world altogether. Using social media search engines can also help with market research.

You may wonder how you could compete with viral celebrity content. Or perhaps you’re worried that your content will make your company seem unprofessional and uncredible.

However, social media is an important part of any modern business' outreach. In fact, 59% of the global population is on social media, and many of those users browse platforms to research and source services—even accounting. 

Put simply, the right social media strategy can take your business to new heights. 

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Benefits of social media

To run a modern business, it pays to get your brand onto modern platforms. And, when done right, social media is an excellent way to gain visibility and improve your brand image. 

Here are just a few other reasons to utilize social media in accounting:

Build client relationships

Encouraging existing clients to follow you on social media is a great way to connect with them on a personal level. Whether on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram, you can share industry news, offer financial guidance, and answer common questions to show credibility and build trust.

Increase your reach

Chances are you already have an outreach plan for existing customers and ones who have shown interest in your company. But what about potential clients who don’t know they need you? With a strong social media presence, you can broaden your scope to reach hundreds of new clients every month, generate leads, and even tap into new markets. 

Establish your firm as experts

Your competitors almost certainly have a social media presence. To compete, you need to get on social media and do it better than they do! By sharing your insights and offering guidance, you establish your firm as a credible, reliable, and knowledgeable source that clients will turn to when they need help.

Stay relevant

The internet has a very short memory. If you want your loyal clients to think of you rather than your competitors, you need a social media presence. By consistently creating content that’s informative, engaging, and memorable, you increase the chances of your firm remaining at the front of people’s minds.

How to use social media as an accountant

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The clue is in the word: social media is ‘social’. So, when used properly, social media is excellent for connecting with others on a human level.

As an accountant, how can you turn social media to your advantage?

Channel your passion

Some topics are intrinsically interesting—accountancy is not one of them. But people often connect better with a subject when information is relayed by someone who’s clearly passionate about the topic.

So tap into your passion for accounting and use that to guide and inspire your content. What inspired you to become an accountant in the first place? Perhaps you simply love playing with numbers or making tax returns more straightforward.

No matter what your reasoning is, it helps to share your interests with followers. After all, enthusiasm is contagious. 

Share your knowledge

To share your passion, you need to find your unique voice. Rather than simply sharing dry facts and figures, speak to your audience on a human level. 

Finding an engaging, human voice and tone can be a learning curve, so start small. Rather than launching with longer-form content, start by sharing short tips and tricks. 

Bite-sized content is more likely to capture people’s attention as they scroll, but also makes potentially complex financial information more easily digestible. 

Shorter content also helps you to test the water. It gives you a chance to discover the kind of tone and content that your audience most connects with, which will help you to create a more detailed content strategy and calendar moving forward.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel either. Consider sharing relevant blogs and news stories from other accounts or sites, adding your own insight to show your expertise. 

Don’t be afraid to use the platform to link to existing content on your website such as blog posts or upcoming events, like Sage has done below. They developed the FAQs listed on their page for self assessment software for individuals and created a post for Twitter that links to a webinar on the same topic. 

The more you share, the more confident you will get in your voice and your audience. More importantly, you will start to gather data on the kinds of things your audience finds interesting and engages with. When it comes to social media, engagement data is more valuable than gold.

Learn from your audience

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Put simply, posting on social media helps your firm to build up relationships with your audience. But no relationship is a one-way street. 

In order to truly connect with your audience and build up an engaged following, you need to understand their likes and needs, relevant questions they have, and what motivates or inspires them.

We know how valuable social media analytics are, so make sure you use this data to your advantage. Analyze the stats to reveal valuable insights about your audience, then use this to create more impactful strategies and optimize engagement for future content. 

Quick social media tips for accountants

Still stuck for ways to create engaging content and gain visibility? Here are a few content ideas to help your firm make the most of social media in accounting.

Tax how-to guides

Particularly as the deadline draws near, many sole traders and self-employed followers may be looking for guidance on filing taxes. Consider creating video tutorials to help them navigate the process, discuss the benefits of self assessment software, or give a quick rundown on common tax queries.

FAQs around MTD

It’s likely that your existing clients come to you with similar questions. So chances are social media users have the same questions! Showcase your expertise by addressing these in Live sessions or through an FAQ series. Make your firm more relatable by addressing timely, trending topics such as Making Tax Digital and use relevant hashtags to help your content spread further.


Industry news

As mentioned, social media is an excellent way of establishing trust and expertise. A great way to do this is by showing your firm stays on top of current trends and changes. Share major news from the industry that may impact followers and news from your firm may interest your audience. If you’ve won any awards or someone in your firm has been promoted, don’t be afraid to showcase your achievements!

Case studies and testimonials

While you don’t want to make every post about you, the occasional positive post can improve your brand image. Share feedback from customers as quotes or link to case studies that show how you’ve helped clients.

Interviews with colleagues and industry experts

Real-life experience is always valuable and a great way to connect followers with a topic they may not easily engage with. Share interviews with people at your firm to help your audience get to know the people behind the brand, and consider video snippets sharing advice from industry experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is social media used in accounting?

Social media has quickly become one of the most popular ways to connect with other people. It's no surprise that accounting firms have started using social media as a way to find more clients.

Do accountants need social media?

Do accountants need social media? Not necessarily. However, it is a fantastic marketing strategy that is highly recommended. Social media is free & allows you to create a strong brand image and connect with potential customers.

What are the 4 types of accountants?

There are 4 types of accountants: corporate, public, government, and forensic accounting.

Dominate social media in 2023

At first glance, it may seem like social media and accounting don’t go hand-in-hand. But once you find your voice and get to know your audience, you’ll find that it can be a very beneficial tool that can help your firm gain visibility, establish trust, and connect with existing and potential clients.

If you’re not sure what to post, start small. Then use insights to develop a more comprehensive social media strategy that will help you stand out.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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