How to Increase Your LinkedIn Engagement

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If you’re looking to expand your personal network or grow your business contacts, LinkedIn is the platform for you. It drives traffic to your website and social pages, introduces you to targeted audiences, and gets you in front of decision-makers. With over 660 million users and 30 million companies listed, LinkedIn connects you to the right people and businesses that will support your efforts. Unfortunately, many people still don't take advantage of its full capabilities and are unable to make the most of its potential. In this post, we’ll uncover simple yet highly effective ways – using the essential elements of your page – to increase your LinkedIn engagement.

Your Profile

Maximize Your Personal Profile

Company pages on LinkedIn are highly valuable and beneficial. They provide information about businesses, share links to websites and social pages, and house employee networks.

However, personal profiles still dominate the platform. These get more views and encourage higher engagement, as you’re able to send connection requests or personal messages. Also, people prefer to engage with and follow actual people, rather than companies.

Keep Your Information Updated

Have you mastered a new skill, started a new position, or gained a new accomplishment? Be sure to add these to your profile. People often search based on relevant criteria, so don’t get left out of search results because of outdated information. This also avoids the assumption that your profile is inactive and not worth interacting with. You should also use a tool to schedule linkedin posts as well!

Use Professional Photos

Your headshot says a lot about you, so it’s best to use a high-quality and professional photo. It doesn’t have to be too formal or stiff, but enough to show that you’re a legitimate authority in your field. As LinkedIn reports, having a profile photo leads to 21x more profile views and 9x more connection requests.

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Use a quality background image that shows your stand within the industry, location, and brand values. It should immediately give page visitors valuable information about your business and what you care for.

Highlight Your Assets

Adding relevant skills and experiences creates opportunities for more people to connect with you, especially when they see that you match their needs. Be specific about your achievements – languages spoken, volunteer work, awards and patents, or causes – and use descriptive keywords to attract potential clients and partners.

Your Content

Text-Only Posts Work

 Unlike other channels, text-only posts generate more likes, comments, and shares on LinkedIn. This is because LinkedIn prefers content that keeps people within the platform. Thus, posting with mostly text and eye-catching emojis expands your reach and improves your engagement.

However, you must have compelling content for people to stop and read your post. It must use simple language, share facts and concrete results, and provide value for the readers. Use headlines that are catchy, get straight to the point, and end with a powerful call-to-action. More importantly, add links or provide your contact information should people want to know more.

Publish Native Videos

Native videos uploaded directly to LinkedIn perform better than external links or videos because they have the prime opportunity to be seen and engaged with. They’re easily digestible and able to convey information with less time and effort.

Native videos can last from three seconds to 10 minutes, but those under 90 seconds are known to deliver the best results. They also autoplay on mute, so adding subtitles catches people’s attention and boosts engagement. Make sure your videos are fun, informative, and relevant to your network.

Expand Your Content Mix

LinkedIn has different target audiences compared to other social platforms, so it’s best to test out various messaging approaches. Using their A/B Testing feature, you can compare different strategies — from tone and style to copy length and format — and identify which posts perform best.

Play around with your content mix to reach a broader market and avoid audience fatigue. Whether it’s to share words from your executives, report company news and updates, or offer HR tips, maintaining a variety keeps people interested and engaged with you.


Maintaining good grammar and correct spelling shows that you’re credible and authentic, thus encouraging people to trust or engage with you. That’s why it’s important to check your posts multiple times before you publish them. Consult a coworker or utilize online checkers to ensure that your content is error-free.

Your Connections

Ask for Recommendations

Recommendations provide validation that you’re effective and established in your work. Ask professional contacts and clients to share their experience of working with you and what you’ve accomplished with them. Aim to have at least four to five recommendations, which you can also use as assets when you pitch your services to new businesses.

Join or Create Relevant Groups

Being in a LinkedIn group allows you to meet new people from your industry, foster healthy relationships with members, and build connections with your audience. It establishes your position as an industry leader, especially when you share valuable experiences, promote insightful content, and offer advice to other professionals.  

Joining industry-related groups also helps you monitor competitors to see what information they’re sharing and their successes and gaps. It helps you better target your market and gives insight into potential customers, so you can craft content that offers them solutions and addresses their needs.

Engage With Others

A great way to boost LinkedIn engagement is to interact with and provide value to others. When you like and comment on people’s posts, they’re more likely to do the same on yours. Comment on your own posts to spark discussions within your community. Ask for feedback and respond to those who comment back. Seek people’s ideas and be open to having conversations about them. Offer thought-provoking topics that could encourage people to connect with you.

Everyone loves to be heard and valued, and this is the best avenue to leverage on such fact.

Embrace Influencers

Influencers are big on LinkedIn because they drive people to pages of businesses that they're not yet familiar with. You can mention them in relevant posts in an effort to get them to comment in return. Ask them to contribute to your brand or provide feedback on your offerings. Do an interview with them and post it on your profile. You can even tag them and ask them to share in their own network.

Essentially,if influencers engage with you, everyone in their network can potentially seeit. This then drives traffic to your page and boosts your LinkedIn engagement.

Other Best Practices

Post Consistently

LinkedIn promotes those who post frequently, so it’s suggested to post at least once or twice a day. You might even consider bumping this to three to four times each day. However, keep in mind that these posts should be high-quality, valuable, and relevant content. Never sacrifice quality for quantity.

Schedule your posts to go live during peak times, either before or after work when people are still in business mode. You can also check your posts’ performance data to identify which days of the week are best to be posting.

Be Mobile-Friendly

57% of LinkedIn’s traffic comes from mobile devices, so it’s best to optimize everything on your profile to look good and function well on the mobile app. This will help people conveniently find, connect, and engage with you even if they’re on-the-go.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags on LinkedIn are now searchable and increase the visibility of posts. But again, as a rule of thumb, you should not overdo hashtags – aim to have at most six per post. Also, make sure they’re relevant to your content, company, audience, and industry.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform that brings professionals and businesses to new heights. When utilized properly and following these simple yet highly effective tips, you’ll be able to boost your LinkedIn performance tremendously.

Maximizeyour profile by updating your information, using high-quality photos, andshowcasing your skills and achievements. Take advantage of text-only posts andnative videos to get people interested and engaged with your content. Rememberto ask for recommendations, take part in relevant groups, and set aside time tointeract with your connections.

Doyou have other tips on how to increase your LinkedIn engagement? We’d love tohear these in the comment section below.

If you need more guidance with LinkedIn management and other social media marketing concerns, e-clincher is here to help. Contact us to learn more or to start your free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is good engagement on LinkedIn?

Anything better than 2% is good engagement on LinkedIn. There are certainly pages that get considerably more engagement than 2%, but they are the exception!

Why are LinkedIn engagements so low?

The reason your LinkedIn engagements are low could be that you're not targeting the right people. Make sure you target your audience by their job titles, company size, and other demographics. You can also use LinkedIn demographic targeting to reach out to the right people. For example, if you want to target C-level executives, you can use the title "Director" in your ad creative and then exclude people who don't have that job title.

Why is no one seeing my LinkedIn posts?

It's possible that your LinkedIn posts are not getting enough engagement (likes, comments, and shares) to show up in people's feeds. LinkedIn posts that receive a low level of engagement will not be shown to as many people as those that get a high level of engagement. Try to improve your posting frequency. The algorithm favors pages that consistently post and provide value to their followers.

What should you not do on LinkedIn?

Do not spam people on LinkedIn. It's considered bad etiquette, and could also get you blacklisted from the site. Spamming will only hurt your online reputation and damage the credibility of your personal and business brand.

How many LinkedIn views is normal?

Over 1,000 views is generally considered to be great. However, it really depends on your industry and the size of your network. For example, if you're in a very niche field or you only have a few hundred contacts on LinkedIn, then 500 views might be considered great. But if you work in a more general industry or you have a network of over 10,000 people, then 5,000 views would be considered great.

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