How To Get Started With Auto Post

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What Is Auto Posting?

Auto post is a new way to post content to your social media accounts. By setting up a fixed schedule once, you do not have to worry about scheduling posts on a daily basis. Instead you can focus on curating and creating high quality content that will be posted automatically based on your pre-set schedule. Unlike most social media tools, the content you add to Auto Post queues will not go to waste after the first time it is shared. Instead, it will be saved and used again and again, allowing for a new audience to see it and engage.

How To Get Started

Step 1 Create Queues (Categories): First you will want to set up your different queue categories. By creating queues, you can group together related content and ensure you are not sharing too much or too little of a specific type of content. Enter a queue name in the text box.

Auto Post Social Media Posts

Step 2: Before pressing save, choose which network you want to create the queue for. Once you have picked a network, press save. Queues are network specific so that you can optimize your posts accordingly.

Create Auto Post Queue

Step 3 Add Content To Queues: Now that you have your queues set-up, it is time to add content to them. Below are the different ways to add content to your queues:

Add to Queue From Auto Post Tab: Easily add content to your queues directly from the Auto Post tab by following the steps below:

Click on New Post

Social Media Scheduling Tool

Create your post, select which queue you would like to add it to and then press Save

Post Editor

Add To Queue From New Post Tab: Adding posts to your queues from the New Post tab is easy, just follow the steps below:

Create your post and then press Add to Queue

Create New Social Media Posts

Select which queue you would like to add the post to and then press Save

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Add To Queue From Social Feeds: You can add content to queues directly from all of your social feeds. Do so by following the steps below:

Click on the more options button located in the right corner of each post

Share social media post

Click on Add Post to Queue

Add to queue from feeds #2 final

Select which queue you would like to add the content to and press Save

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  • Bulk Upload: This feature allows you to upload multiple pieces of content at once. This is achieved through the use of a spreadsheet. Learn more here.

Step 4 Create Schedules and Assign Queues: In order for Auto Posting to work, you need to set up a schedule. You will only have to do this once, then it will be saved forever, or until you edit it. To do so, follow the steps below:

Choose an account from the drop-down

Auto Post Schedule Set Up

Choose times that you would like to post and then assign a queue to each time slot (you must include a queue so the auto-scheduler knows where to pull content from)

Auto Post Schedule Final

Step 5 Turn On Queues: Once one of your queues has enough content and you are ready to begin sharing it with your audience, turn the queue on. Assigning a queue to a time does not automatically turn it on. If you forget to turn on the queue, the time slot will be skipped and your content will not be posted. Turn on your queue by following the steps below:

To turn on a queue, select it from the drop-down and then click On

Social Media Scheduler

Once you do so, it will change to On (green) and will begin publishing based on your posting schedule(s)

How To Turn On Auto Post

Step 6 Maintain Queues By Adding New Content And Removing Outdated Content: On a daily basis, adding and removing content is the only thing you will have to worry about. The beauty of auto-posting is all you have to do is manage your queues.

Queue Categories To Consider

  • Promotional Posts: Keep the 80/20 rule in mind when setting up your auto-post schedule. No more than 20% of posts should be promotional. Easily ensure you do not over-promote by setting up a category specifically for promotional content.
  • Quotes
  • Customer Testimonials: Are your customers providing positive feedback about your business? Create a queue for these testimonials and continue adding to it as your receive them! 90% of customers say that they are swayed by customer reviews, so sharing these reviews is a great way to grow your business and gain trust.
  • Your Evergreen Blog Posts: Some blog posts never get old. So why is that we only tend to share them once? Add your blog posts to a category and automatically share them again and again.
  • Engaging Questions For Your Audience
  • Good Morning Posts: Give your audience a boost with a good morning post! Check your Twitter analytics to see where your followers are from and create good morning posts in their language and time zone.
  • Facts/Statistics About Your Industry

Additional Tips

  • Avoid adding time sensitive content to queues because it will be re-shared once all new content has been posted
  • If content is time sensitive, add it to a queue with a set end date
  • Instead of deleting a queue that is not relevant now, but will be in the future, turn it off. This way when they become relevant again, all you will have to do is turn them on (example: holiday related posts).

The possibilities for auto-posting are endless and we certainly have not thought of all the possible use cases. If you have any unique ways you currently use or plan to use the auto-scheduler, let us know! If you found this post interesting, please share it.

Sign up for a 14 day free trial to get started with Auto Post.

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  • Generate Engaging Content Using Advanced AI
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